myvitamins coconut collagen 180 capsules

LAPERVA MARINE COLLAGEN product, rich in marine collagen, supported by vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, is an indispensable choice for anyone looking for healthy skin, hair, nails, and beauty seekers. Ingredients of Laperva Marine Collagen 1350 mg of marine collagenCollagen increases the growth and repair of cartilage tissue and reduces arthritis, so it is recommended for athletes. It increases the thickness of the skin and works to soften it and hides the problem of the appearance of prominent veins in the feet and hands. Contributes to lightening the color of the skin. Helps to strengthen the immune system in the body. It strengthens teeth, bones, and nails. It rids the skin of premature aging symptoms. Collagen increases the freshness and radiance of the skin and gives it more health and luster. Increases the volume and fullness of the lips and cheeks. Collagen reduces the appearance of dark circles that form around the eyes and hides signs of fatigue. It prevents dryness of the skin and maintains its hydration and increases its elasticity. Collagen reduces skin sagging and drooping in different areas of the body. Collagen treatment is used to obtain soft, shiny, and beautiful hair and is considered an effective hair treatment; So that it repairs dry, damaged, and frizzy hair. 150 mg of Vitamin CVitamin C is an essential vitamin, which means that the body cannot produce it. However,nbsp; it has many roles and is associated with great health benefits. Soluble in water and found in many fruits and vegetables, including oranges, strawberries,nbsp; kiwifruit, peppers, broccoli, kale, and spinach It contributes to many important health benefits, such as increasing levels of antioxidants,nbsp; lowering blood pressure, protecting against gout attacks, improving iron absorption,nbsp; enhancing immunity, and reducing the risk of heart disease and dementia. 150 mg of hyaluronic acid (HLA)Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, is a clear, viscous substance naturally produced by the body. The largest amounts of it are found in the skin, connective tissue, and eyes. Its main function is to retain water to keep the tissues hydrated and hydrated. Helps increase skin moisture and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Topical treatments can soothe redness and inflammation of the skin, while injections can make the skin appears tight. Effective in reducing joint pain in people with osteoporosis.Features of Laperva Marine Collagen Free from soy. Gluten-Free. lactose-free.

RSP Nutrition, Z-Elite, 180 Capsules

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